Nomination Process

The awards are open to firms operating in the UK's general industry, those who derive a significant proportion of their income as suppliers to the sector or women who work in an insurance capacity outside the industry. Nominees can be involved in roles including but not limited to broking, risk management, underwriting, claims, customer service, marketing, technology, sales, human resources, compliance, middle, front or back office. The nominees must work in the UK, although they can service international clients or work with multi-national insurers or brokers. 

You are able to nominate the same person in a maximum of two categories and have to add a line or two about why you have nominated them. S
elf-nominations will be permitted and women currently on maternity leave can be nominated.

How to nominate

Nominations will be invited from anyone connected with the general insurance market, its customers and others with an interest in the sector. They will be submitted through an online portal with a simple statement of why they should be considered.

Once nominations have been received, the nominee will be contacted and forwarded a list of questions that they will be required to complete in order to progress to the next round of judging.

A shortlist will then be created from which an expert panel of judges will decide the winners in each category. Judges will take into account:

  • Achievements in the workplace
  • Challenges faced
  • Evidence of contributions to support and inspire women
  • Overall quality of submission

The judging panel will work in small groups on the awards so that judges can be nominated in categories that they will not be judging. 

The deadline for nominations is Friday 19 April.